Thursday, June 11, 2009

I think I'm done with the running dogwalk experiment. This is about the 3rd time I've told myself this; it's very hard for me to leave something unfinished. But tomorrow Icon is officially done with his break and I'm going to need to work more with him so I won't have time to play with Rampage on running contacts as well as do the other things I need to do with him.

Anyway, despite my complaining about how boring it is to edit videos I have videos of Rampage from yesterday.

Running DW - I raised the plan about 3" in this video. At first the plank is facing towards my fence and he's kind of coming off the side, but then I shifted it to face more forward and he did better. Today I raised it another 3" and went back to the t&t for a reward and he did fine. I really wish I had time to go through the whole process!

Rampage Running DW on 061009 from Agility Dogs on Vimeo.

2o/2o foundation - Worked on the position on the box and nose touches on the box. I think the box helps to make the position clear, but it seems like they're in a really uncomfortable pose. I'll move to the travel plank with him fairly soon. What I was looking for in the posisiton work was for him to keep his feet still, both front and rear. Even when I move behind him I want him to stay parallel to the board and not swing his front feet towards me.

I didn't notice until watching the video, but when I do the target work on the box, I actually force him into the position the first time. Bad me.

Rampage 2o/2o stuff from Agility Dogs on Vimeo.


  1. yeah, more video of Rampage!

  2. Gotta love video, it keeps us honest.

    He sure looks fun.

  3. I had to chuckle about your running DW comment. Those dang running DWs are so seductive but it does eat up the training time. I wish I would have realized sooner that Steamy did not have the temperament to try that with.

    I love your contact box. How did you start training that?
