Monday, February 11, 2008

My current bets

With all the bets I make I'm surprised I didn't spend my entire weekend in Vegas at the casinos. But apparently I only like a CERTAIN kind of bet (the agility kind)

Current Bets

Icon will get his MACH before Milou gets her MACH 2 - Caroline and I made this bet. I think the bet is for dinner and I can't remember who took what side.

Icon will get his MACH before (dog name hidden for legal reasons) gets their MACH - Debbie and I have this bet. Winner buys dinner.

Icon will get his MACH before Bob gets her MACH - A bet with Pat White. Loser buys dinner.

Lost Bets
Apollo got his MACH before (dog name hidden for legal reasons)- I bought Debbie lunch at Suraj Indian Cuisine for this one. It wasn't even a close call!

1 comment:

  1. I say Icon will get his MACH before Milou. I know I will win!! I should plot where to have dinner.

    And no the lost bet wasn't even close!!
